Hello everyone!
It’s FOTY time and your Flirt Babes always have something special for you. Every year we try to step up our game and now, we are introducing FOTY Flirt Babes Battles to you! Keep reading, you’ll like this.
Eight girls, but we won’t say which ones, will fight against each other to collect most votes. Each round there will be a winner who will go to the next round and you will witness a spectacular battle in the finals with just two babes who got most votes so far. The winning babe will get a grand prize and we know babes like prizes!
You are directly responsible for the results! Join us on 21st November at 12 PM EST and see the introduction show to see each babe’s opponent for the first round. After that, we will have regular battles right until the finale! Bring your votes with you to every battle. From now on, that will be your favorite babe’s secret weapon!
May the Battles Begin!